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The mysteries
of the universe...

make a wish!

The importance of self-awareness from childhood! 

Happy Girl Jumping

A hopeful future demands authenticity and self-awareness!

​Authenticity expresses sincerity and true personality, while self-awareness is the ability to know oneself and accept one's capabilities and limitations!

With these characteristics, we can build relationships based on honesty, develop successful strategies, and face challenges with optimism! The ability to be true to ourselves and understand our personal needs and ambitions is essential for achieving our goals and creating a positive future.


"By investing in children and their uniqueness
by extension, we invest in the future"



With love, self-awareness, self-observation, and self-improvement as foundations, we can create a more balanced present and a more optimistic and authentic future that respects uniqueness and diversity!



How important is it to teach self-awareness from childhood?


Self-awareness helps children understand themselves, their needs, desires, and abilities. This allows them to develop a strong sense of self-awareness and self-esteem. Understanding themselves better, children are more likely to develop better social skills, as it becomes easier for them to communicate their needs and preferences to others. Self-awareness helps children learn how to manage their emotions, recognize different emotional states, and react appropriately.



"By understanding a child's strengths and weaknesses, they can develop more effective learning strategies, as well as conditions that allow them to be more efficient."



Teaching self-awareness from childhood is an important part of the developmental process that helps create a happy, healthy, and successful individual. Whatever success and happiness mean to each!


"The mysteries of the universe... make a wish" is a fantastic story by Christina-Konstantina Georgota, inspired by World Children's Book Day 2021, in the activities of the Potamos Kindergarten, Corfu. Inspired by my child's creativity and imagination, I wanted to transform the story into a commemorative book and show my little author that we can do beautiful things through collaboration and belief in ourselves!


The book aims to inspire parents to observe their children with an open mind and focus on their creativity, uniqueness, seeking opportunities to boost their morale and self-confidence. Thus, motivations for children are created, and foundations are laid to help them in their life journey.

Love, respect, solidarity, acceptance, philanthropy, physical, and mental health are important tools not only for our personal development but also for society! And all of the above originate from our own way of thinking (parents/guardians/adults) and how we interact with ourselves and our children!


"Self-observation needs to start with us first."


Self-observation needs to start with us first, and our children are the best teachers, as long as we are willing to listen to them and observe them with an open mind! The old ways of thinking and patterns that hold us back on an individual and social level do not serve the new consciousness represented by children anymore!


We all have daily personal challenges to face and the responsibility for a future society that is more peaceful, fair, and with more opportunities for prosperity and abundance! And as a mother, observing my child's creativity, I present to you an encouraging way that impacts not only the psychology of the child and the children around him but also our own psychology!


Life's rhythms create multifactorial problems, and in one way or another, we feel or experience a kind of guilt for the time we cannot devote to our children, ourselves, or participating in household chores.

"Promoting uniqueness promotes

a more authentic future,

creating values and principles

necessary for our children

to fight for their dreams."

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The story's hero travels through space, making his dream a reality. He has another challenge to face, but he does not lose faith that he will fulfill his dream! Challenges will always exist, and the belief and trust in the universe, in life, in God, in ourselves that we can make it are the driving force!


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© Copyright 2024, Christina - Konstantina Georgota & Maria Langaditi




Christina - Konstantina Georgota


Story Editing

Eleftheria Mitrogiorgou &

Maria Langaditi



Editing Kelly Pantelidi &

Ada Kiriazi



Maria Langaditi




An initiative of


Kindly sponsored

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