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The personal miracle of A……! Confession #1

Many times, events occur in our lives that make us lose our way, lose our faith, and question the love of God. Our sins, whether they are words, actions, or thoughts, often hold us back, making it difficult to believe that someone could love us with an overwhelming love like that of the Creator!

Miracles happening in our lives every day, but often (if not most of the time), we fail to perceive them! The power and love of God are always present in everything we do in life, and confessions of people who have experienced it serve as a testimony to this Divine Love!

The personal miracle of A……!

On October 6th, at 13:07, I heard my daughter cry for the first time!

Shortly after, I was informed that I had to part with her because an issue arose, "not so worrisome." From that moment, a period of my life began that I will never forget!

Three days later, I finally held my daughter in my arms. My joy was indescribable!

But it didn't last long... 15 days later, we were informed that we had to go to Athens to the Children's Hospital because the child had dysfunction in the adrenal glands. However, further tests revealed that the child had a rare disease called Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) and needed immediate treatment!

The medication prescribed was two cortisone drugs four times a day, a lifelong commitment.

Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

My husband and I decided to consult another doctor, *"to find the best one!" After much research, we found a doctor with an impressive resume.

However, God always uses people to reveal Himself in our lives! Eventually, the new tests and the doctor confirmed the disease and prescribed the treatment mentioned earlier.

My pain cut me in half; everything at home became cold, joyless, and laughter was nowhere to be found. Everything seemed like a prison.

I blamed everything on one, and that was the Virgin Mary! How ashamed I am for all I attributed to her...

"It's your fault, what have I done to you? You're to blame for everything!"

Then I would cry and ask for forgiveness for my words...

"Forgive me, my Virgin Mary, forgive me and HELP ME!"

Every day the same...

In a month, the doctor informed us that we had to increase the medication!

I was gaving the child the medicines and each time, I took one too, feeling

lost too, so I thought! I was furious again in front of the Virgin Mary...

"What have I done to you, why, why? Hit me, not the baby... is this how you help your children?" and then...

"Forgive me, my Virgin Mary, help all the children of the world, and lastly, mine, don't forget to hold it in your arms..."

I would see the child looking at something I couldn't see and I was told that babies do that!

In a little while, the tests seemed a bit better, but the doctor insisted that

we continue the same treatment.

My pain continued, all my thoughts were negative, and the Virgin Mary

became the recipient of my anger...

"It's your fault, you're dirtying my house, candle won't light again for you, you don't exist, I don't believe in anything."

In the end, my anger turned into tears, and I asked for forgiveness for everything I had said!

One afternoon, I received a message on my phone:

"A…, call me when you can," from an unknown number! This continued two more times.

One afternoon, I decided to make the call.

A lady named Alice answered, addressing me as if she knew me!

"A……. I have a message for you..."

"My dear child, I am the Virgin Mary..."

I had lost my mind; I thought someone was playing with my pain!

"...why do you insult me? I speak to you through your child, but you don't hear me. I know you have pain inside because I still hurt for mine! People are moving away from Him, and His wounds bleed. You asked me to help your child, and to keep it in my arms. I heard the words of your soul loudly. Listen to me! (1)“So the last will be first, and the first will be last” (Matthew 20:16) '" "Your child will be well! What he sees is my Son, angels follow her and healing her! You will change your earthly doctor; my *Son is a doctor of body and soul. Listen only to your soul! Just don't insult me; tell the miracle to those who want to hear it...

I forgive you, and I love you!".

And she hung up without saying goodbye! I was left in shock!

How did she know so much? I never dared to call again... something changed within me.

I believed that my child was well; my child was healing! I started to sing, listening to music at home... I told everyone that the child was fine, and they looked at me as if I had gone mad!

The baby had spasms, tried to avoid something, stretched his little legs, and cried.

In the end, he would spread his hands thinly and smile!

I constantly saw numbers, 11:11, 22:22, 09:09, 13:13, and many others!

I believed that the baby was getting better...

The doctor, seeing our tests, told us that the child was not well, and we had to increase the dosage! Since we insisted that we saw improvement, the doctor told us that if we didn't give the medicines, the child might not reach five months.

If you don't like my diagnosis, you can go somewhere else..."

This was our opportunity! We quickly changed the doctor, and God always brings the right people at the right time. I wanted to find a way to confirm what the Virgin Mary had told me, that my child was healing! The new doctor, after seeing the the medical history and our tests, said there was a problem, but the treatment the child was following would harm her.

He reduced our medication, we did some more tests, and we returned to the island, waiting for the results!

A few days later, the mobile phone rang. The doctor on the phone asked me which saint we have as a protector on the island, and I told him St. Spyridon. He said,

"Light a candle for him; he performed the miracle, and the child is fine. He doesn't need medication... as a doctor, I serve science, but this was beyond it."

Our girl is now 8 years old and in excellent health. I am grateful for everything I experienced and for the lesson I learned! I praise the Virgin Mary and thank her every single day...

(1) The first rely on themselves and their deeds, while the last rely on the power of God and His grace. However, God determines the reward of each based on His criteria, which are not human and superficial.

Thanks to A.... for her testimony!

Written testimony: Maria Langaditi

Text editing: Ada Kiriazi

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