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Spiritual awakening!

The term "spirituality" is often encountered in various articles, but I will quickly mention the abilities - potentials that constitute the spiritual level of an individual! Awakening, we all know what it is. Spiritual awakening, then, is when I recognize what & who am i, my being, my true existence liberated from the ego. I observe and understand reality through the eyes of existence, not the illusion of separation created by the mind.

I awaken my spirituality, I awaken the spirit within me, I awaken the process of developing abilities - potentials that elevate my spirit...

How do we reach spiritual awakening?

Photo by Greg Rakozy

Through observation!

Being an observer of oneself is not an easy and quick process; it requires patience and perseverance! It involves getting to know and recognize your subtle emotions, impulses, and behaviors.

In this state, a different process of thinking develops, where the observer processes sensory input differently, forming concepts, reasoning, and judgments.

But who is the observer? The observer is you, your true self! The essence of your human existence! Human existence that has a body, spirit, and a soul! When the observer is activated, one can consciously choose who they want to be, how they want to behave, what they want to say, what they want to think, and from which spirit they want to draw strength at any given moment!


  • Clear knowledge and awareness that one possesses.

  • Immediate perception that the subject has of its mental activities (perceptions, thoughts, desires), which arise from it and, through their resonance, return to it.

  • The state in which an individual finds himself when he has full use of his senses and mental clarity.

  • Clear knowledge that the subject has about itself and the world around it, and from which the synthetic function arises, allowing a subject to mentally grasp the situation it is in each time with the help of knowledge of its personality and to form an idea about its future state.

  • The ability of someone to acquire knowledge about themselves, distinguishing them from others.

So, when I consciously or subconsciously have the perception, the belief that I cannot make my dreams a reality, in other words, when I have low self-confidence, this has an impact on my existence, causing reactions within me, around me, in my life, which then return to me!

The good news, however, is that spiritual awakening can be achieved by everyone!

COMMENT: Our actions, words, reactions, and behavior range from the perspective of consciousness. Conscious knowledge. An action or reaction of ours may be unconscious, that is, done without awareness, without knowledge or awareness of what we are doing - it may be subconscious, we may have unclear, confused, or limited awareness of what we are doing. An action is conscious or intentional when it is done with full awareness, knowledge, awareness, and a sense of what we are doing. It should be noted that, according to experts, the essential difference lies not so much in knowledge but in the intention we have for something, i.e., how clear and clear our intentions are (conscious/unconscious), unclear or unformed (subconscious), or nonexistent (unconscious).

Intention, which now becomes perceptible to an activated observer, plays a significant role in our lives and in our daily routine, affecting the people we encounter and the events that unfold... (Intention = disposition, will, desire of someone to make good/bad/beneficial intentions. However, it is influenced by both our conscious and subconscious).

So, who do you consciously choose to be? What do you choose to be the driving force in your actions, in your life, in your relationships, and in your thoughts? What is the spirit from which you choose to be inspired?

Text: Maria Langaditi

Text editing: Ada Kiriazi


The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle

The school of Gods, Elio D' Anna

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